When Johnny asks if anyone was bitten, he tries to deny it. Vampire Refugee: One of Johnny's men is bitten when one of the prostitutes he was with bites him.Once she turns, she follows after the group and reveals John's dirty secret to the group) and one of Johnny's men who attacks the group after he tries to hide that he was bitten by a vampire earlier. He's fed on by a least four vampire women, turns, bites Mary and practically becomes an enforcer for Quixtla), Mary (A devout Christian and John's wife. Examples include Erza (A traveler stopping at the pueblo. Transhuman Treachery: All who get bitten succumb to vampirism and become instantly evil.Tragic Monster: It's very hard not to feel bad about Santanico Pandemonium when you discover her backstory in this movie.Though, it wasn't shown when he was bitten due to the rest of the original ending where the stinger came from being replaced with the ending it got. Of course, this was foreshadowed during one of Ambrose's visions earlier in the film briefly. The final shot shows Ambrose's eyes turning golden, fangs in his mouth and him emitting a low growl before eating the heart. So Ambrose shows him proof-by promptly ripping out the man's heart. The Stinger: It reveals Ambrose Bierce in the modern day finishing telling another guy the events of the movie, the latter expressing disbelief at "Mexican hooker vampires".Shout-Out: The titular hangman wields a whip.

Prequel: Set in the past of the old west and shows how Santanico came to be.Sinister Minister: John turns out to be one.Mercy Kill: John has Johnny stake him after he is bitten.It does knock her out for a bit, but she eventually recovers with just some slight discomfort to her abdomen that she manages to push in. Immune to Bullets: The Hangman shoots Quixtla when she first confronts him.He even gets his revenge on his ex-wife by impaling her with the gate trap and letting the sun finish the job.

He doesn't succumb to being evil (not at the moment anyway) and opens the gate out of the pueblo allowing Johnny and Ambrose to escape. Despite being bitten and instantly turned by Satanico.

Alien Blood: When Quixtla is shot the first few times, her blood is oozing green.It's revealed he actually tried to kill her a few times, but she always survived. He treats his own daughter like crap and considers her an aberration due to her half-vampire nature. A bandit makes off with the titular character and flees into the Mexican desert where they come across the Titty Twister (a pueblo in this era), with a posse led by the girl's father not far behind. The film is set way in the past in the wild west. A Prequel to From Dusk Till Dawn, released in 2000 starring Marco Leonardi, Ara Celi, Michael Parks, Orlando Jones, Temuera Morrison, and Danny Trejo.